08 May 24 - 18:26
lilred87: Go one notime!

notime33: SmileSmilegrinRock

endoftheroad: Thanks Notime & LilRed

Lance: Good daySmile

notime33: Good morning 80s LadiesSmile

Winter: Morning.

Lmarrese: Morning all

notime33: Good morning conal…SmileRock

conaltheballbearing: Hello there Wednesday....and NotimeYesYes

notime33: DonSmileRock

conaltheballbearing: So busy today.....forgot to log inLaughingLaughingLaughing

ski_83: I'll try and help the queue when I can

ski_83: *hugs* Winter

ski_83: Morning everyone

Don_Ruko: Rock thezepp

Lance: Smile

endoftheroad: Thanks Notime & Lance!

Winter: *hugs* Morning Ski

conaltheballbearing: better late than never....unless of course you are talking about the need to go to work.Smilegrin

endoftheroad: Thanks LilRed!

ski_83: *hugs*Winter

ski_83: Good morning, gang

Lance: Good day

Winter: Morning all.

notime33: Where's Banker..I thought I just worked last week?..conalCool

SeclusionSolution: ahaha

xevsseldne: Sleeping

xevsseldne: ok back to sleep.

xevsseldne: whilst peeing

xevsseldne: then checked phone Cool